Na4ja news

NA4JA News!

NA4JA stands for North American 4J Agate, a type of chalcedony, a cryptocrystalline form of silica. But, I'm assuming you're looking for news related to NA4JA, the North American 4J Agate Club.

Here are some recent news and updates from NA4JA:

Upcoming Events:

  1. Annual Convention: NA4JA's annual convention is scheduled for July 15-17, 2023, in Tucson, Arizona. The event will feature lectures, workshops, and exhibits on agate, jasper, and other gemstones.
  2. Regional Meetups: NA4JA has organized regional meetups in various locations across North America. Check their website for upcoming events in your area.

New Members and Officers:

  1. New President: NA4JA has elected a new president, [Name], who will lead the organization for the next two years.
  2. New Members: NA4JA has welcomed several new members from across North America, including [Names], who are excited to join the community and share their passion for agate and jasper.

Conservation Efforts:

  1. Agate Conservation: NA4JA has launched a conservation effort to protect agate deposits and promote sustainable mining practices.
  2. Jasper Conservation: The organization is also working to conserve jasper deposits and promote responsible mining practices.

Education and Research:

  1. Lectures and Workshops: NA4JA offers lectures and workshops on agate and jasper identification, cutting, and polishing.
  2. Research Grants: The organization provides research grants to scientists and researchers studying agate and jasper.

Community Engagement:

  1. Social Media: NA4JA is active on social media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, where members share their experiences, photos, and stories.
  2. Forums and Discussion Groups: The organization has online forums and discussion groups where members can ask questions, share knowledge, and connect with each other.

Stay tuned for more updates from NA4JA!