N korea launches 3 projectiles south says

According to reports, North Korea has launched three projectiles into the sea off its eastern coast, according to South Korea's military. This is the latest in a series of missile tests conducted by North Korea in recent weeks.

Here are some details:

This is not the first time North Korea has launched missiles in recent weeks. In recent months, the country has conducted a series of short-range missile tests, which have been seen as a way to demonstrate its military capabilities and to pressure the international community to lift economic sanctions.

The launches have also been seen as a way for North Korea to assert its sovereignty and to challenge the presence of US and South Korean military forces in the region.

The international community has condemned the launches, with the United States and South Korea calling them a violation of UN resolutions and a threat to regional stability.

It's worth noting that North Korea has a history of conducting missile tests, and these launches are seen as a way for the country to demonstrate its military capabilities and to pressure the international community to lift economic sanctions.

I hope this information is helpful. Let me know if you have any other questions!