N korea latest news

Here are some of the latest news updates from North Korea:

Recent Developments:

  1. Kim Jong-un's Health: There have been reports of Kim Jong-un's health issues, with some speculating that he may have had a stroke or heart surgery. However, the North Korean government has denied these claims, saying that Kim is in good health.
  2. US-North Korea Relations: The relationship between the US and North Korea has been tense in recent months, with the US imposing sanctions on North Korea and North Korea conducting missile tests. The two countries have also been engaged in a war of words, with North Korea's leader Kim Jong-un calling US President Donald Trump a "dotard" and Trump calling Kim a "madman."
  3. Economic Sanctions: The US has imposed economic sanctions on North Korea in an effort to pressure the country to abandon its nuclear program. The sanctions have had a significant impact on North Korea's economy, with the country's GDP shrinking by 3.5% in 2018.
  4. Human Rights: Human rights groups have been critical of North Korea's human rights record, with reports of widespread abuses, including forced labor, torture, and executions. The US has also been critical of North Korea's human rights record, with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo calling it "abysmal."
  5. Military Tensions: The military tensions between North Korea and the US have been high in recent months, with North Korea conducting missile tests and the US conducting military exercises with South Korea. The two countries have also been engaged in a war of words, with North Korea's leader Kim Jong-un calling the US a "gangster" and Trump calling North Korea a "rogue nation."

Recent News Articles:

  1. North Korea Conducts Missile Test: North Korea conducted a missile test on October 2, 2019, in defiance of international sanctions and warnings from the US. The test was seen as a major provocation by the US and its allies.
  2. Kim Jong-un's Sister Visits China: Kim Jong-un's sister, Kim Yo-jong, visited China on October 7, 2019, in a move seen as a sign of improved relations between the two countries.
  3. North Korea's Economy Shrinks: North Korea's economy shrank by 3.5% in 2018, according to a report by the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The report attributed the decline to a combination of factors, including international sanctions and a decline in trade with China.
  4. US-North Korea Talks: The US and North Korea have been engaged in talks aimed at resolving the nuclear crisis on the Korean Peninsula. The talks have been stalled in recent months, with the US demanding that North Korea abandon its nuclear program and North Korea demanding that the US lift its economic sanctions.
  5. North Korea's Human Rights Record: Human rights groups have been critical of North Korea's human rights record, with reports of widespread abuses, including forced labor, torture, and executions. The US has also been critical of North Korea's human rights record, with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo calling it "abysmal."


  1. The New York Times
  2. The Washington Post
  3. CNN
  4. BBC News
  5. The Guardian
  6. The Korea Times
  7. The Chosun Ilbo
  8. The Yonhap News Agency

Please note that the information provided is based on publicly available news sources and may not reflect the most up-to-date information.