Myjoyonline news politics

Myjoyonline is a popular online news platform in Ghana that provides up-to-date news and information on various topics, including politics. Here are some recent political news articles from Myjoyonline:

  1. NDC's John Mahama to contest 2024 elections: Former President John Mahama has announced his intention to contest the 2024 presidential elections on the ticket of the National Democratic Congress (NDC). (Source: Myjoyonline, 2022)
  2. Akufo-Addo's government has failed Ghanaians - Mahama: Former President John Mahama has criticized the Akufo-Addo government, saying it has failed to deliver on its promises to Ghanaians. (Source: Myjoyonline, 2022)
  3. EC to introduce new voters' register: The Electoral Commission (EC) has announced plans to introduce a new voters' register ahead of the 2024 elections. (Source: Myjoyonline, 2022)
  4. NPP, NDC bicker over 2024 elections: The ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) and the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) are engaged in a heated debate over the 2024 elections. (Source: Myjoyonline, 2022)
  5. Ghana's economy in crisis - IMF: The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has warned that Ghana's economy is in crisis, citing high inflation, debt, and fiscal deficits. (Source: Myjoyonline, 2022)
  6. Akufo-Addo's government has not done enough to address corruption - CSOs: Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) have criticized the Akufo-Addo government, saying it has not done enough to address corruption in the country. (Source: Myjoyonline, 2022)
  7. NDC to hold national delegates' conference: The National Democratic Congress (NDC) is set to hold its national delegates' conference to elect new leaders and discuss party issues. (Source: Myjoyonline, 2022)
  8. Ghana's 2024 elections to be held on December 7: The Electoral Commission (EC) has announced that the 2024 presidential and parliamentary elections will be held on December 7. (Source: Myjoyonline, 2022)

These are just a few examples of the many political news articles available on Myjoyonline. The platform provides up-to-date news and analysis on Ghanaian politics, as well as international news and events.