My ex has a new girlfriend does he miss me

The age-old question!

It's impossible to know for certain whether your ex misses you or not, as people's emotions and thoughts are complex and can't be directly observed. However, I can offer some insights and signs that might help you gauge his feelings.

Signs he might still have feelings for you:

  1. He still talks about you: If he frequently mentions your name, shares memories, or talks about your relationship, it could indicate that he still has strong feelings for you.
  2. He's curious about your life: If he asks about your well-being, interests, or new relationships, it might suggest that he's still invested in your life and cares about what's happening to you.
  3. He's nostalgic: If he often reminisces about your time together, shares old photos or mementos, or talks about the good times you shared, it could be a sign that he's still holding onto fond memories and emotions.
  4. He's still invested in your happiness: If he's genuinely interested in your happiness and well-being, even if it's not romantic, it could indicate that he still cares about you on some level.
  5. He's hesitant to introduce his new partner to you: If he's slow to introduce his new girlfriend to you or seems hesitant to share details about their relationship, it might suggest that he's still not over you or is comparing his new partner to you.

Signs he might not miss you:

  1. He's moved on quickly: If he's already in a new relationship or has been dating someone else for a while, it could indicate that he's genuinely moved on and doesn't miss you.
  2. He doesn't initiate contact: If he's not making an effort to stay in touch or initiate conversations, it might suggest that he's not thinking about you or doesn't miss you.
  3. He's not nostalgic: If he doesn't reminisce about your time together or doesn't seem to care about your memories, it could indicate that he's not holding onto any strong emotions or feelings for you.
  4. He's not interested in your life: If he's not asking about your well-being or interests, it might suggest that he's not invested in your life or doesn't care about what's happening to you.


  1. You can't control his feelings: Ultimately, you can't force someone to miss you or have feelings for you. Focus on your own healing and growth.
  2. Don't dwell on his emotions: It's natural to wonder about your ex's feelings, but don't spend too much time thinking about it. Focus on your own life and well-being.
  3. You deserve to move on: Whether your ex misses you or not, you deserve to move on and find happiness with someone who truly cares about you.

Take care of yourself and focus on your own journey.