Music concert set to hold in lagos to encourage youth participation in politics

What a fantastic idea! Here's a potential concept for a music concert set to encourage youth participation in politics in Lagos:

Event Concept: "Rise Up Lagos: A Youth Political Awakening Concert"

Objective: To inspire and empower young people in Lagos to take an active role in shaping their future through politics, by providing a platform for them to engage with political leaders, learn about the political process, and be motivated to participate in the democratic process.

Target Audience: Young people aged 18-35 living in Lagos, with a focus on students, entrepreneurs, and young professionals.

Event Details:



  1. Welcome and Introduction (15 minutes): A brief introduction to the event, its objectives, and the importance of youth participation in politics.
  2. Music Performances (1.5 hours): A series of performances by the headlining act, supporting acts, and special guests, with a mix of music genres and styles to cater to diverse tastes.
  3. Panel Discussion (45 minutes): A moderated discussion featuring a panel of young people, politicians, and thought leaders, exploring topics such as:
    • The importance of youth participation in politics
    • Challenges and opportunities facing young people in Lagos
    • Strategies for getting involved in the political process
  4. Interactive Activities (30 minutes): A series of interactive activities, such as:
    • A "Get Involved" booth where attendees can learn about political parties, register to vote, and receive information on how to participate in the political process
    • A "Speak Out" session where attendees can share their thoughts and opinions on the issues affecting their community
    • A "Take Action" challenge where attendees can commit to taking a specific action to promote political participation among their peers
  5. Closing Remarks (15 minutes): A final message from the event organizers, encouraging attendees to continue engaging with the political process and to stay informed about upcoming events and opportunities.

Marketing Strategy:



This is just a rough estimate, and the actual budget may vary depending on the specific requirements of the event.

By hosting a music concert that encourages youth participation in politics, you can create a fun and engaging platform for young people to learn about the political process, get involved, and make a positive impact in their community.