Multi national oil companies shun reps as britainnia u nigeria oil gas faces joint committees

It appears that you're referring to a news article or report about multinational oil companies shunning representatives from Britain and Nigeria in the oil and gas industry. Here's a breakdown of the information:

Key points:

  1. Multinational oil companies: The article likely refers to large, international oil and gas companies that operate globally.
  2. Shun representatives: These companies are allegedly refusing to engage with representatives from Britain and Nigeria in the oil and gas industry.
  3. Britain and Nigeria: The two countries are likely involved in the oil and gas industry, with Britain being a major player in the global energy market and Nigeria being a significant oil producer.
  4. Joint committees: The article mentions joint committees, which are likely formed to facilitate cooperation and decision-making between different stakeholders in the oil and gas industry.

Possible reasons:

  1. Diplomatic tensions: There might be diplomatic tensions between Britain and Nigeria, which could be affecting the relationships between the two countries' representatives in the oil and gas industry.
  2. Commercial disagreements: The multinational oil companies might be experiencing commercial disagreements with representatives from Britain and Nigeria, leading to a breakdown in communication and cooperation.
  3. Regulatory issues: There could be regulatory issues or differences in regulatory approaches between Britain and Nigeria, which are causing friction and making it difficult for the two countries' representatives to work together.


  1. Impact on oil and gas production: The shunning of representatives from Britain and Nigeria could have a negative impact on oil and gas production, as cooperation and collaboration are essential for the industry's success.
  2. Economic consequences: The breakdown in relationships could also have economic consequences, as the oil and gas industry is a significant contributor to the economies of both Britain and Nigeria.
  3. Long-term effects: The long-term effects of this situation could be far-reaching, potentially affecting the global energy market and the relationships between the two countries.

Please provide more context or clarify which specific article or report you're referring to, and I'll do my best to provide more information or insights.