Mugabe ready die no intention step

It seems like you're referring to Robert Mugabe, the former President of Zimbabwe. He was indeed known for his strong will and determination, and it's likely that he would not have stepped down easily.

Mugabe was in power for over three decades, from 1980 to 2017, and was known for his authoritarian rule and human rights abuses. He was also criticized for his economic policies, which led to widespread poverty and hyperinflation in Zimbabwe.

In 2017, Mugabe was forced to resign as President after a military coup and widespread protests against his rule. He was replaced by Emmerson Mnangagwa, who was a close ally of Mugabe's.

It's worth noting that Mugabe was 93 years old when he resigned, and his health was reportedly declining at the time. Despite this, he remained defiant and refused to step down until the military intervened and forced him to resign.

Overall, Mugabe's refusal to step down was a testament to his strong will and determination, but it also led to significant human rights abuses and economic suffering for the people of Zimbabwe.