Mugabe family latest news

Robert Mugabe, the former President of Zimbabwe, passed away on September 6, 2019, at the age of 95. Since then, there have been various reports and updates about his family, particularly his wife, Grace Mugabe, and his children. Here are some of the latest news and updates about the Mugabe family:

  1. Grace Mugabe's legal battles: In 2020, Grace Mugabe was involved in a legal battle with a Zimbabwean businessman, Subinath Chitongo, who claimed that she owed him $1.7 million. The case was eventually settled out of court.
  2. Mugabe's children's inheritance dispute: In 2020, Robert Mugabe's children, including Bona Mugabe, Bellarmine Chatunga Mugabe, and Robert Junior Mugabe, were involved in a dispute over their father's estate. The children claimed that their mother, Grace Mugabe, was trying to manipulate them out of their inheritance.
  3. Bona Mugabe's business ventures: Bona Mugabe, Robert Mugabe's eldest child, has been involved in various business ventures, including a hotel and a farm. In 2020, she launched a new business, a boutique hotel in Harare, Zimbabwe.
  4. Bellarmine Chatunga Mugabe's legal troubles: Bellarmine Chatunga Mugabe, Robert Mugabe's youngest son, has been involved in several legal troubles, including a case of alleged assault and a dispute over a property.
  5. Robert Junior Mugabe's political ambitions: Robert Junior Mugabe, Robert Mugabe's eldest son, has expressed interest in entering politics and has been involved in various political activities, including attending rallies and meetings with political leaders.
  6. Mugabe family's financial struggles: Despite their wealth and influence during Robert Mugabe's presidency, the Mugabe family has been facing financial struggles in recent years. In 2020, it was reported that the family was struggling to pay debts and maintain their lavish lifestyle.

It's worth noting that the Mugabe family has been involved in various controversies and scandals over the years, and their personal and financial lives have been subject to intense media scrutiny.