Much ado about osuns education policy

A very timely and relevant topic!

"Much Ado About Nothing" is a play by William Shakespeare, but I'll assume you're referring to the controversy surrounding the education policy of Osun State, Nigeria.

For those who may not be aware, Osun State is one of the 36 states in Nigeria, and its education policy has been a subject of debate in recent times. Here's a brief summary:

Background: In 2019, the Osun State government, led by Governor Gboyega Oyetola, introduced a new education policy aimed at improving the quality of education in the state. The policy, which was met with mixed reactions, aimed to increase access to education, improve teacher quality, and enhance the overall learning experience for students.

Key features of the policy:

  1. Free education: The policy made education free for all students in public schools, from primary to secondary level.
  2. Teacher recruitment: The government planned to recruit more teachers to reduce the teacher-student ratio and improve the quality of teaching.
  3. Curriculum review: The policy aimed to review the curriculum to make it more relevant to the needs of the 21st century.
  4. Infrastructure development: The government planned to invest in the construction of new schools and the renovation of existing ones.

Controversies surrounding the policy:

  1. Funding: Critics argued that the policy was underfunded, and the government did not provide sufficient resources to implement it effectively.
  2. Teacher quality: Some argued that the recruitment of new teachers would lead to a decline in the quality of teaching, as the new teachers might not be adequately trained.
  3. Curriculum relevance: Others questioned the relevance of the reviewed curriculum, arguing that it did not adequately prepare students for the challenges of the modern world.
  4. Infrastructure challenges: The policy's focus on infrastructure development was seen as a Band-Aid solution, as the state's infrastructure challenges were deep-seated and required more comprehensive solutions.

Reactions to the policy:

  1. Support: The policy received support from some stakeholders, including parents and students, who saw it as a step in the right direction towards improving the quality of education in the state.
  2. Criticism: The policy was criticized by others, including teachers' unions and some education experts, who argued that it was poorly thought out and lacked a clear implementation plan.


The Osun State education policy has been a subject of much debate and controversy. While some see it as a positive step towards improving education in the state, others have raised valid concerns about its implementation and effectiveness. Ultimately, the success of the policy will depend on the government's ability to address these concerns and provide the necessary resources and support to ensure its successful implementation.