Mtn new logo

You're referring to the new logo of Meta (formerly Facebook, Inc.)!

The new logo, which was introduced in October 2021, is a simplified and more abstract representation of the company's name. The logo features a stylized letter "M" made up of two interconnected loops, which are meant to evoke the idea of connection and unity.

Here are some key design elements of the new logo:

  1. Simplified typography: The new logo features a custom-designed font that is more modern and minimalist than the previous logo.
  2. Interconnected loops: The two loops in the logo are meant to represent the connection between people, as well as the company's mission to bring people together.
  3. Color scheme: The logo features a bold, bright blue color (#3498db) that is meant to evoke feelings of trust, reliability, and innovation.
  4. Scalability: The logo is designed to be highly scalable, meaning it looks good in a variety of sizes and resolutions.

Overall, the new Meta logo is a significant departure from the company's previous logo, which featured a more complex and detailed design. The new logo is meant to be more modern, simple, and versatile, and is intended to reflect the company's evolving brand identity and mission.