Mtn new beta talk migration code

It seems like you're looking for some code related to migrating to a new beta talk migration code for Mtn (MTN) network.

Before I provide you with any code, could you please provide more context or clarify what you mean by "beta talk migration code"? Are you trying to migrate from an old system to a new one, or is this related to a specific feature or functionality within the MTN network?

Additionally, what programming language are you working with? Are you using a specific framework or library? The more information you provide, the better I can assist you.

Here's a general outline of what the code might look like, but please note that this is just a rough idea and might not be accurate without more context:

import requests

def migrate_beta_talk(old_data):
    # Define the API endpoint for the new system
    new_api_endpoint = ""

    # Send a POST request to the new system with the old data
    response =, json=old_data)

    # Check if the response was successful
    if response.status_code == 200:
        print("Migration successful!")
        print("Error migrating data:", response.text)

    # Return the new data
    return response.json()

Again, please provide more context or clarify what you mean by "beta talk migration code" so I can better assist you.