Mtn new beta talk

You're referring to the new beta talk feature on Meta (formerly Facebook)!

Beta Talk is a new feature that allows users to have a separate conversation thread within a post, similar to how you would have a conversation with someone in a messaging app. This feature is currently being tested by a small group of users and is not yet available to the general public.

Here are some key things to know about Beta Talk:

  1. Separate conversation thread: When you enable Beta Talk, a new conversation thread will appear below the original post. This thread is separate from the original post's comments.
  2. Private messaging: Beta Talk conversations are private, meaning only the people involved in the conversation can see the messages.
  3. End-to-end encryption: Beta Talk conversations are end-to-end encrypted, which means that only the people involved in the conversation can read the messages.
  4. No notifications: Unlike regular comments, Beta Talk conversations do not send notifications to other users who may be following the post.
  5. Limited to 50 participants: Beta Talk conversations are limited to 50 participants, which means you can only invite up to 50 people to join the conversation.
  6. No editing or deleting: Once a message is sent in a Beta Talk conversation, it cannot be edited or deleted.

It's worth noting that Beta Talk is still a new feature, and Meta is likely testing it to gather feedback and improve it before making it available to the general public. If you're interested in trying out Beta Talk, you can ask your friends who are part of the test group to invite you to join the conversation.