Mtd news

MTD (Making Tax Digital) is a significant change to the way HMRC (Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs) handles tax returns in the UK. Here are some key updates and news related to MTD:

Latest News:

  1. MTD for VAT: As of April 1, 2022, all VAT-registered businesses with a taxable turnover above £85,000 are required to keep digital records and submit their VAT returns using MTD-compatible software.
  2. MTD for Income Tax: The government has announced plans to introduce MTD for Income Tax, which will require individuals to keep digital records and submit their tax returns online. The rollout is expected to start in 2023.
  3. MTD for Corporation Tax: The government has also announced plans to introduce MTD for Corporation Tax, which will require companies to keep digital records and submit their tax returns online. The rollout is expected to start in 2026.

Key Dates:

  1. April 1, 2022: MTD for VAT becomes mandatory for VAT-registered businesses with a taxable turnover above £85,000.
  2. 2023: MTD for Income Tax is expected to be introduced.
  3. 2026: MTD for Corporation Tax is expected to be introduced.

Benefits of MTD:

  1. Simplified tax returns: MTD aims to simplify the tax return process by reducing the need for manual calculations and paperwork.
  2. Improved accuracy: Digital records and calculations reduce the risk of errors and inaccuracies.
  3. Increased transparency: MTD provides HMRC with real-time data, enabling them to monitor tax compliance and identify potential issues earlier.
  4. Enhanced customer service: MTD enables HMRC to provide more personalized and timely support to taxpayers.

Challenges and Concerns:

  1. Digital literacy: Some businesses and individuals may struggle with the transition to digital record-keeping and online submissions.
  2. Cost and complexity: Implementing MTD-compatible software and processes may require significant investment and effort.
  3. Data security: The increased reliance on digital data raises concerns about data security and the risk of cyber attacks.


  1. HMRC MTD website: HMRC provides detailed guidance and resources on the MTD website, including FAQs, tutorials, and software lists.
  2. MTD software providers: Many accounting software providers, such as Xero, QuickBooks, and Sage, offer MTD-compatible solutions.
  3. MTD training and support: Many accountants, bookkeepers, and tax professionals offer training and support services to help businesses and individuals navigate the MTD transition.

Stay up-to-date with the latest MTD news and developments by following reputable sources, such as HMRC, accounting software providers, and tax professionals.