Mp3 download gabriel eziashi dry bones lyrics

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Gabriel Eziashi is a Nigerian gospel artist, and "Dry Bones" is one of his popular songs. Here are the lyrics to "Dry Bones" by Gabriel Eziashi:


Dry bones, dry bones, hear the word of the Lord The dry bones, dry bones, hear the word of the Lord The dry bones, dry bones, hear the word of the Lord And live again, and live again

I prophesy to these dry bones, come forth, come forth I prophesy to these dry bones, come forth, come forth I prophesy to these dry bones, come forth, come forth And live again, and live again

The bones that were scattered, scattered, scattered The bones that were scattered, scattered, scattered The bones that were scattered, scattered, scattered Are now standing, standing, standing

The bones that were scattered, scattered, scattered The bones that were scattered, scattered, scattered The bones that were scattered, scattered, scattered Are now standing, standing, standing

Download Link:

You can download the song "Dry Bones" by Gabriel Eziashi from various online platforms, such as:

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