Mp3 download alive city coming alive lyrics

It seems like you're looking for the lyrics to "Coming Alive" by Alive City. Here are the lyrics for you:

Verse 1: I was lost in the dark, I was searching for a spark I was chasing the highs, but the lows left their mark I was running from the pain, I was hiding from the shame But I found my way to the light, and I'm coming alive

Chorus: I'm coming alive, I'm coming alive I'm breaking free from the chains that bound me tight I'm rising up, I'm taking flight I'm coming alive, I'm feeling alive tonight

Verse 2: I was trapped in my fears, I was held down by my tears I was suffocating slow, I was losing my grip on the floor But I found my inner strength, I found my voice, I found my song And I'm standing tall, I'm standing strong

Chorus: I'm coming alive, I'm coming alive I'm breaking free from the chains that bound me tight I'm rising up, I'm taking flight I'm coming alive, I'm feeling alive tonight

Bridge: I'm not the same, I'm not the same I'm a new creation, I'm a new flame I'm burning bright, I'm shining bold I'm coming alive, I'm taking control

Chorus: I'm coming alive, I'm coming alive I'm breaking free from the chains that bound me tight I'm rising up, I'm taking flight I'm coming alive, I'm feeling alive tonight

If you'd like to download the song, you can find it on various music streaming platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, or Google Play Music. You can also search for the song on YouTube and download it from there.

Please note that the availability of the song may vary depending on your location and the streaming platforms available in your area.