Moving to new house quotes

Here are some inspiring and funny quotes about moving to a new house:

Inspiring Quotes

  1. "Home is where the heart is, and my heart is wherever I am with the people I love." - Unknown
  2. "A new home is a new chapter in life's book, and a new opportunity to write the story you've always wanted to tell." - Unknown
  3. "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, and the journey of a new home begins with a single box." - Unknown
  4. "Home is not a place, it's a feeling, and I'm excited to create a new feeling in my new home." - Unknown
  5. "A new home is a fresh start, a chance to leave the past behind and create a brighter future." - Unknown

Funny Quotes

  1. "I'm not moving, I'm just relocating my stuff and my sanity." - Unknown
  2. "I'm not unpacking, I'm just reorganizing my chaos." - Unknown
  3. "I'm not a morning person, but I'm making an exception for moving day." - Unknown
  4. "I'm not lazy, I'm just conserving energy for all the heavy lifting I'll be doing today." - Unknown
  5. "I'm not arguing, I'm just explaining why I'm right about how to pack the dishes." - Unknown

Relatable Quotes

  1. "Moving is like a big, messy puzzle, and I'm still trying to find all the pieces." - Unknown
  2. "I'm not sure what's more exhausting, moving or unpacking." - Unknown
  3. "I'm just trying to find my way around this new house without getting lost... again." - Unknown
  4. "I'm not sure what's more overwhelming, the amount of stuff I have to unpack or the amount of decisions I have to make." - Unknown
  5. "I'm just trying to make this new house feel like home, one box at a time." - Unknown

I hope these quotes bring a smile to your face and some inspiration to your moving journey!