Moving cat to new house

The joys of moving with a cat! It can be a stressful experience for both you and your feline friend. Here are some tips to help make the transition smoother for your cat:

Before the Move

  1. Get your cat used to the carrier: If your cat isn't already familiar with a carrier, introduce it a few weeks before the move. Place treats and toys inside to make it a comfortable and welcoming space.
  2. Update your cat's identification: Make sure your cat's microchip and identification tags are up to date in case they escape during the move.
  3. Pack a "cat essentials" box: Pack a separate box with your cat's favorite toys, blankets, and food to keep them familiar and comfortable during the move.
  4. Plan for a safe and quiet space: Identify a quiet room in your new home where your cat can retreat if they feel overwhelmed.

During the Move

  1. Keep your cat calm and secure: Keep your cat in a carrier or a quiet room to minimize stress and prevent them from escaping.
  2. Provide familiar scents: Place a blanket or toy that smells like your cat's old home in their carrier or new space to provide a sense of familiarity.
  3. Minimize noise and chaos: Try to keep the move as quiet and organized as possible to reduce your cat's stress levels.

After the Move

  1. Give your cat time to adjust: Allow your cat to explore their new surroundings at their own pace. It may take some time for them to get used to the new sights, smells, and sounds.
  2. Maintain a routine: Stick to your cat's regular feeding schedule and playtime routine to provide a sense of stability and normalcy.
  3. Provide plenty of hiding spots: Cats often feel more secure when they have a place to hide, so provide plenty of boxes, blankets, or other hiding spots for your cat to retreat to.
  4. Monitor your cat's behavior: Keep an eye on your cat's behavior and watch for signs of stress or anxiety, such as changes in appetite or litter box behavior.

Additional Tips

  1. Consider a pheromone spray: Products like Feliway mimic natural feline pheromones and can help calm your cat during the move.
  2. Keep your cat indoors: It's essential to keep your cat indoors during the move to prevent them from escaping or getting lost.
  3. Plan for extra attention: Moving can be stressful for cats, so be prepared to provide extra attention and affection to help them feel more comfortable.

By following these tips, you can help make the transition to your new home a smoother and less stressful experience for your cat.