Movie detty thirty nollywood movie mp4 download

You're looking to download the Nollywood movie "Detty Thirty" in MP4 format. Here's a brief summary of the movie and some download links:

Movie Summary: "Detty Thirty" is a 2020 Nigerian romantic comedy film directed by Niyi Akinmolayan. The movie follows the story of a 30-year-old woman, Detty, who is struggling to find love and happiness in her life. As she navigates her way through relationships and friendships, she discovers that true love can come in unexpected ways.

Download Links: You can download "Detty Thirty" in MP4 format from the following links:

  1. Fzmovies: Download
  2. Naijaplay: Download
  3. Okikiki: Download
  4. Nollywood Movies: Download

Note: Please ensure that you download the movie from a reputable source and that your device is compatible with the MP4 format.

Enjoy watching "Detty Thirty"