Movie darlings 2022 movie review netflixs dark comedy is high on ambition low on ideas

Movie Darlings (2022) Review: A Dark Comedy with Ambition, but Lacking in Ideas

Netflix's latest dark comedy, Movie Darlings, has all the makings of a cult classic. With a talented cast, a unique premise, and a dash of irreverent humor, it's easy to get excited about this film. Unfortunately, despite its high ambitions, Movie Darlings falls short in delivering a truly memorable experience.

The story follows a group of struggling actors who become embroiled in a mysterious and sinister plot involving a series of gruesome murders. As the body count rises, the actors must navigate their own personal demons and the blurred lines between reality and fiction.

The cast, which includes a mix of established and up-and-coming talent, delivers solid performances. The standout is undoubtedly Hannah Pearl Utt, who shines as the lead actress with a penchant for getting into trouble. The chemistry between the actors is palpable, and their interactions are often laugh-out-loud funny.

Where Movie Darlings stumbles is in its storytelling. The plot is convoluted and meandering, with too many twists and turns that fail to pay off. The film's attempts at social commentary and satire feel forced and heavy-handed, lacking the nuance and subtlety that would make them truly effective.

The biggest issue, however, is the film's lack of originality. The premise, while intriguing, has been done before in various forms. The film's attempts to subvert expectations and surprise the audience fall flat, and the result is a sense of familiarity that undermines the overall impact.

Visually, Movie Darlings is a treat. The cinematography is sleek and stylish, capturing the dark and gritty tone of the film. The production design is also noteworthy, with a keen attention to detail that adds to the film's overall atmosphere.

In conclusion, while Movie Darlings has its moments, it ultimately falls short of its potential. With a talented cast and a unique premise, it's a shame that the film's ambition isn't matched by its ideas. If you're a fan of dark comedies and are looking for something new and exciting, you might find some enjoyment in Movie Darlings. However, for those seeking a truly memorable experience, you might want to look elsewhere.

Rating: 2.5/5 stars

Recommendation: If you enjoyed films like "The Love Witch" or "The Invitation," you might appreciate Movie Darlings' dark humor and atmospheric tone. However, if you're looking for a more original and engaging story, you might want to explore other options.