Move wordpress site to new host

A common task! Moving a WordPress site to a new host can be a bit tricky, but don't worry, I'll guide you through the process. Here's a step-by-step tutorial to help you move your WordPress site to a new host:

Before you start:

  1. Backup your site: Before making any changes, make sure to backup your WordPress site, including the database and files. You can use plugins like UpdraftPlus or Duplicator to create a backup.
  2. Check your hosting plan: Verify that your new host allows WordPress and has sufficient resources (e.g., storage, bandwidth, and RAM) to support your site.

Step 1: Prepare your new host

  1. Sign up for a new hosting plan: Create an account with your new host and set up a new hosting plan.
  2. Install WordPress: Most hosts offer a 1-click WordPress installation process. If not, you can manually install WordPress by downloading the software and uploading it to your new host.
  3. Create a new database: Create a new database for your WordPress site on your new host.

Step 2: Export your database

  1. Log in to your current host's control panel: Access your current host's control panel (e.g., cPanel) and navigate to the "Databases" section.
  2. Export your database: Click on the "Export" button and select "Quick" or "Custom" export, depending on your host's options. Choose the database you want to export and select the format (e.g., SQL).
  3. Download the database file: Save the exported database file to your local computer.

Step 3: Import your database

  1. Log in to your new host's control panel: Access your new host's control panel (e.g., cPanel) and navigate to the "Databases" section.
  2. Import your database: Click on the "Import" button and select the database file you exported earlier.
  3. Choose the database: Select the new database you created in Step 1 and click "Import".

Step 4: Upload your files

  1. Use an FTP client or SFTP: Use an FTP client (e.g., FileZilla) or SFTP to connect to your new host and upload your WordPress files (e.g., themes, plugins, and uploads).
  2. Upload your files: Upload your WordPress files to the public_html or www directory of your new host.

Step 5: Update your site's URL

  1. Update your site's URL: Log in to your WordPress dashboard and update your site's URL in the "Settings" > "General" section.
  2. Update your site's URL in plugins: Update the site URL in any plugins that require it (e.g., SEO plugins).

Step 6: Update your DNS settings

  1. Update your DNS settings: Update your DNS settings to point to your new host's IP address. This may take some time to propagate.

Step 7: Test your site

  1. Test your site: Visit your site to ensure it's working correctly and all pages are loading properly.
  2. Check for any issues: Check for any issues with your site, such as broken links or missing images.

That's it! Your WordPress site should now be successfully moved to your new host. If you encounter any issues during the process, feel free to ask for help.