Move domain to new host

A common task! Moving a domain to a new host can be a bit of a process, but I'll guide you through the general steps. Please note that the specific steps may vary depending on your current host, new host, and domain registrar.

Step 1: Prepare your domain

  1. Backup your website: Before making any changes, backup your website files and database (if applicable) to ensure you have a copy in case something goes wrong.
  2. Update your domain registrar: Update your domain registrar's contact information to reflect the new host's contact information.

Step 2: Set up your new host

  1. Create an account: Sign up for an account with your new host.
  2. Choose a plan: Select a suitable plan for your website, considering factors like storage, bandwidth, and features.
  3. Set up your hosting: Follow the new host's setup process, which may include creating a cPanel account, setting up a database, and configuring email accounts.

Step 3: Update your DNS settings

  1. Get your new host's DNS settings: Obtain the new host's DNS settings, including the nameservers (NS records) and any other relevant records (e.g., A records, MX records).
  2. Update your domain registrar: Update your domain registrar's DNS settings to point to the new host's nameservers. This may involve creating new DNS records or updating existing ones.

Step 4: Update your website

  1. Upload your website files: Upload your website files to your new host using FTP, SFTP, or the file manager provided by your new host.
  2. Update database connections: Update any database connections in your website's code to reflect the new host's database settings.
  3. Test your website: Test your website to ensure it's functioning correctly and all links are working as expected.

Step 5: Verify your domain

  1. Check your domain's DNS propagation: Verify that your domain's DNS settings have propagated by checking your domain's DNS records or using a tool like
  2. Test your website's accessibility: Test your website's accessibility by visiting your domain in a web browser to ensure it's loading correctly.

Additional tips

Remember to be patient and thorough during the migration process. If you encounter any issues, don't hesitate to reach out to your old host, new host, or domain registrar for assistance.