Mourinho news conference today

You're referring to the latest news conference by José Mourinho, the Portuguese football manager!

As of my knowledge cutoff, there hasn't been a specific news conference announced by Mourinho today. However, I can suggest some ways for you to stay updated on the latest news and updates from Mourinho's team:

  1. Follow reputable sports news sources: Websites like BBC Sport, Sky Sports, and ESPN often provide live updates and coverage of Mourinho's news conferences.
  2. Check social media: Mourinho and his team often share updates and quotes on social media platforms like Twitter and Instagram.
  3. Look for news aggregator websites: Sites like Google News or NewsNow aggregate news articles from various sources, making it easy to find the latest updates on Mourinho's news conference.

If you're looking for a specific news conference, please let me know the date or the team he's managing (e.g., Tottenham Hotspur), and I'll do my best to help you find the information!