Mourinho is poison spurs must beg pochettino to do a zidane

I see what you're getting at! You're suggesting that Tottenham Hotspur should try to persuade Mauricio Pochettino to return to the club as manager, much like Real Madrid did with Zinedine Zidane, after José Mourinho's departure.

While it's understandable that Spurs fans might be eager to see Pochettino back at the helm, it's worth noting that the situation is a bit more complicated than just making a simple plea. Here are a few reasons why:

  1. Pochettino's current situation: Pochettino is currently the manager of Paris Saint-Germain, and he has a contract with the club until 2023. It's unlikely that he would leave PSG voluntarily, especially given the team's success under his leadership.
  2. PSG's expectations: PSG is a club with significant resources and high expectations. Pochettino has a reputation for delivering results, and the club would likely expect him to continue to do so. It's possible that Spurs might not be able to match PSG's offer or provide the same level of resources.
  3. Pochettino's personal feelings: While Pochettino has spoken highly of his time at Spurs, he has also made it clear that he was disappointed by the way his tenure ended. It's possible that he might not be eager to return to the club, especially if he feels that he was not given the support he needed during his previous stint.

That being said, if Spurs are serious about bringing Pochettino back, they would need to make a strong case for why he should return. This could involve offering him a significant amount of money, providing him with the resources he needs to build a strong team, and demonstrating a commitment to long-term success.

Ultimately, while it's possible that Spurs could try to persuade Pochettino to return, it's not a guarantee that he would accept. The situation is complex, and there are many factors at play.