Mourinho dismisses chances of big summer rebuild at spurs

According to a recent report, Jose Mourinho has dismissed the idea of a major summer rebuild at Tottenham Hotspur. Despite the team's disappointing season, Mourinho believes that the current squad has the potential to improve and achieve success with some tweaks and adjustments.

Mourinho has been quoted as saying that he is not looking to make significant changes to the team's personnel, but rather to work with the players he has to improve their performance and achieve better results. He believes that the team's problems are not due to a lack of talent, but rather due to a lack of consistency and cohesion.

This approach may be seen as a departure from the more radical overhaul that some fans and pundits have been calling for. However, Mourinho's experience and track record suggest that he may be onto something. He has a reputation for getting the best out of his players and improving teams that are already talented but underperforming.

It will be interesting to see how this approach plays out over the summer and into the new season. Will Mourinho's tweaks and adjustments be enough to get Tottenham back on track, or will the team need a more significant overhaul to achieve success? Only time will tell.