Mourinho admits to being lazy and annoying during his playing career

I think there may be some misinformation here!

José Mourinho, the renowned football manager, has never publicly admitted to being lazy or annoying during his playing career. In fact, Mourinho was a talented and hardworking player during his time as a midfielder for Benfica, Porto, and União de Leiria in the 1980s and 1990s.

Mourinho's playing career was marked by his tenacity, energy, and dedication on the pitch. He was known for his ability to read the game, make intelligent runs, and provide defensive cover for his teammates. While he may not have been a prolific goal-scorer, Mourinho was a respected and accomplished player in his own right.

It's worth noting that Mourinho has spoken highly of his playing career and the lessons he learned as a player, which have helped shape his approach to management. He has often credited his playing experience with teaching him the importance of hard work, discipline, and attention to detail.

So, to summarize, there is no evidence to suggest that Mourinho has ever admitted to being lazy or annoying during his playing career. Instead, he is widely regarded as a talented and dedicated player who went on to become one of the most successful managers in the world.