Most trending news

Here are some of the most trending news stories from around the world:


  1. US-China Trade War: The US and China have agreed to a "Phase One" trade deal, which will see China increase its purchases of US agricultural products and the US delay tariffs on some Chinese goods.
  2. Impeachment Inquiry: The US House of Representatives has launched an impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump, following a whistleblower complaint about his dealings with Ukraine.
  3. Brexit: The UK and EU have agreed on a new Brexit deal, which will see the UK leave the EU on January 31, 2020.


  1. WeWork IPO: WeWork's initial public offering (IPO) has been delayed, amid concerns over the company's financial health and corporate governance.
  2. Tesla Stock: Tesla's stock price has surged after the company reported a surprise profit in the third quarter.
  3. Amazon HQ2: Amazon has announced that it will split its second headquarters between two locations: Arlington, Virginia, and Long Island City, New York.


  1. Google Pixel 4: Google has launched its new Pixel 4 smartphone, which features improved cameras and a new design.
  2. Apple iPhone 12: Apple is expected to launch its new iPhone 12 series in the coming weeks, which will feature improved cameras and 5G connectivity.
  3. Facebook Libra: Facebook's cryptocurrency, Libra, has been delayed amid concerns over its potential impact on financial markets and consumer protection.


  1. Coronavirus Outbreak: The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared the coronavirus outbreak a global health emergency, as cases continue to rise in China and around the world.
  2. Measles Outbreak: The US is experiencing a measles outbreak, with over 1,000 cases reported in the past year.
  3. Ebola Outbreak: The Democratic Republic of Congo is experiencing an Ebola outbreak, which has killed over 2,000 people.


  1. Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: The final installment of the Star Wars sequel trilogy has been released, and is expected to be a major box office hit.
  2. Game of Thrones: The final season of Game of Thrones has been released, and has sparked controversy over its conclusion.
  3. Taylor Swift: Taylor Swift has announced a new album, "Folklore", which will be released in July.


  1. NFL Playoffs: The NFL playoffs are underway, with the Kansas City Chiefs and San Francisco 49ers set to face off in the Super Bowl.
  2. NBA Playoffs: The NBA playoffs are also underway, with the Los Angeles Lakers and Milwaukee Bucks set to face off in the NBA Finals.
  3. Tiger Woods: Tiger Woods has won his first major in over a decade, at the Masters Tournament.

These are just a few of the most trending news stories from around the world. Stay informed and up-to-date with the latest news and developments!