Most social media breakers

Here are some of the most well-known social media breakers, who have taken a break from social media for various reasons:

  1. Tim Ferriss: The author and entrepreneur took a break from social media in 2017, citing the negative impact it was having on his mental health and productivity.
  2. Marie Kondo: The decluttering expert and author took a break from social media in 2019, saying she wanted to focus on her work and personal life without the distraction of social media.
  3. Chris Hemsworth: The actor took a break from social media in 2019, citing the pressure to present a perfect online image and the impact it was having on his mental health.
  4. Ariana Grande: The singer took a break from social media in 2018, saying she needed to focus on her mental health and well-being.
  5. Kanye West: The rapper and entrepreneur has taken several breaks from social media over the years, citing the negative impact it was having on his mental health and creativity.
  6. Lady Gaga: The singer took a break from social media in 2019, saying she needed to focus on her mental health and well-being.
  7. Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson: The actor and professional wrestler took a break from social media in 2019, citing the pressure to present a perfect online image and the impact it was having on his mental health.
  8. Taylor Swift: The singer took a break from social media in 2019, saying she needed to focus on her music and personal life without the distraction of social media.
  9. Miley Cyrus: The singer took a break from social media in 2019, saying she needed to focus on her mental health and well-being.
  10. Shawn Mendes: The singer took a break from social media in 2019, citing the pressure to present a perfect online image and the impact it was having on his mental health.
  11. Zoe Kravitz: The actress and model took a break from social media in 2019, saying she needed to focus on her mental health and well-being.
  12. Lena Dunham: The actress and writer took a break from social media in 2018, citing the negative impact it was having on her mental health and creativity.
  13. Trevor Noah: The comedian and TV host took a break from social media in 2019, saying he needed to focus on his mental health and well-being.
  14. Katy Perry: The singer took a break from social media in 2019, saying she needed to focus on her mental health and well-being.
  15. Rihanna: The singer took a break from social media in 2019, saying she needed to focus on her mental health and well-being.

These are just a few examples of people who have taken a break from social media. There are many others who have also taken breaks for various reasons, including mental health concerns, burnout, and the desire to focus on other aspects of their lives.