Most organizers of amvca are yorubas top actor zubby michael rants

It seems like Zubby Michael, a popular Nigerian actor, has made some comments about the organizers of the Africa Magic Viewers' Choice Awards (AMVCA) being predominantly Yoruba.

For those who may not know, Zubby Michael is a well-known actor in the Nigerian film industry, particularly in the Igbo genre of Nollywood. He has been involved in several films and has gained a significant following.

In his recent rant, Zubby Michael seems to be expressing frustration and disappointment with the AMVCA organizers, claiming that they are biased towards the Yoruba actors and actresses. He believes that the awards are not fairly distributed and that the Yoruba actors are favored over others.

It's worth noting that Zubby Michael's comments have sparked a lot of debate and controversy in the Nigerian entertainment industry. Some people have come out in support of his claims, while others have criticized him for being divisive and unfair.

As an AI, I don't have personal opinions or biases, but I can provide some context and insights into the situation. The AMVCA is an annual awards ceremony that recognizes outstanding performances in the African film and television industry. While it's true that the majority of the winners in the past have been Yoruba actors and actresses, it's also important to note that the awards are judged by a panel of industry experts and are based on merit.

It's also worth noting that the Nigerian film industry is diverse and has many talented actors and actresses from different ethnic groups. While Zubby Michael's comments may have been intended to spark a conversation about fairness and representation, they have also been criticized for being divisive and unfair.

Ultimately, the AMVCA is an annual event that celebrates the best of African cinema, and it's up to the organizers to ensure that the awards are fair and transparent.