Most important news in forex

Here are some of the most important news and events that can impact the Forex market:

Economic Indicators:

  1. GDP (Gross Domestic Product): Released by most countries, GDP measures the overall economic growth and is a key indicator of a country's economic health.
  2. Inflation Rate: Measures the rate of change in prices of goods and services, and is closely watched by central banks to determine monetary policy.
  3. Unemployment Rate: Released by most countries, unemployment rate measures the percentage of the labor force that is unemployed.
  4. Interest Rates: Decisions by central banks to raise or lower interest rates can have a significant impact on currency values.
  5. Retail Sales: Measures the total value of goods and services sold to consumers, and is an important indicator of consumer spending.

Central Bank Decisions:

  1. Federal Reserve (Fed) Meetings: The Fed sets interest rates and monetary policy, and its decisions can have a significant impact on the US dollar.
  2. European Central Bank (ECB) Meetings: The ECB sets interest rates and monetary policy for the Eurozone, and its decisions can impact the euro.
  3. Bank of England (BoE) Meetings: The BoE sets interest rates and monetary policy for the UK, and its decisions can impact the pound.
  4. Swiss National Bank (SNB) Meetings: The SNB sets interest rates and monetary policy for Switzerland, and its decisions can impact the Swiss franc.

Geopolitical Events:

  1. Trade Wars: Tensions between countries can lead to trade wars, which can impact currency values and global trade.
  2. Brexit: The UK's decision to leave the EU has created uncertainty and volatility in the currency markets.
  3. US-China Trade Relations: Tensions between the US and China can impact global trade and currency values.
  4. Middle East Conflicts: Conflicts in the Middle East can impact global oil prices and currency values.

Other Important News:

  1. Earnings Reports: Companies' earnings reports can impact stock prices and currency values.
  2. Natural Disasters: Natural disasters can impact global trade and currency values.
  3. Political Elections: Political elections can impact currency values and global trade.
  4. Global Events: Events such as the Olympics, World Cup, and other global events can impact currency values and global trade.

Forex Market Hours:

The Forex market is open 24 hours a day, 5 days a week, from Monday to Friday. The market is busiest during the following hours:

Keep in mind that these are general guidelines, and market hours may vary depending on the specific market and trading platform.