Most downloaded free icons to use online on your blog

Here are some of the most downloaded free icons to use online on your blog:

1. Font Awesome Icons: Font Awesome is a popular icon font that offers over 6,000 icons in various styles, including solid, regular, and brands. It's free to use for personal or commercial projects.

2. Material Design Icons: Material Design Icons is a free icon set developed by Google. It offers over 3,000 icons in various styles, including outline, rounded, and two-tone.

3. Iconfinder Icons: Iconfinder is a popular icon search engine that offers a wide range of free icons. You can search for icons by keyword, category, or style.

4. Noun Project Icons: The Noun Project is a website that offers a vast collection of free icons, illustrations, and graphics. You can search for icons by keyword or browse through the various categories.

5. Open Icon Library Icons: The Open Icon Library is a free icon set that offers over 1,000 icons in various styles, including outline, solid, and filled.

6. Simple Icons: Simple Icons is a free icon set that offers over 1,000 icons in a simple, minimalist style.

7. Iconmonstr Icons: Iconmonstr is a free icon set that offers over 1,000 icons in various styles, including outline, solid, and filled.

8. Flat Icon Icons: Flat Icon is a free icon set that offers over 1,000 icons in a flat, minimalist style.

9. IconArchive Icons: IconArchive is a website that offers a wide range of free icons, including icons from various icon sets and designers.

10. Freepik Icons: Freepik is a popular website that offers a wide range of free resources, including icons, vectors, and graphics.

Some popular categories for free icons include:

Remember to always check the licensing terms and conditions for each icon set to ensure that you're allowed to use them for free on your blog.