Mom partners with 9 year old daughter to launch new collection of back to school gear

What a wonderful idea! Here's a potential press release:


Mom and 9-Year-Old Daughter Team Up to Launch Exciting New Collection of Back to School Gear

[City, State] - Get ready for a fresh and fun back to school season with the debut of "Savvy Squad," a new collection of school supplies and accessories designed by a mom-daughter duo. [Mom's Name], a creative entrepreneur, and her 9-year-old daughter, [Daughter's Name], have partnered to bring their unique perspective and style to the back to school market.

The Savvy Squad collection features a range of products that cater to kids' needs and preferences, from colorful pens and pencils to trendy backpacks and lunchboxes. What sets Savvy Squad apart is the input and inspiration from [Daughter's Name], who has been involved in every step of the design process.

"I'm so excited to share our collection with kids and parents alike," said [Mom's Name]. "As a mom, I know how important it is to find school supplies that are both functional and fun. And who better to design them than a kid who's actually using them?"

[Daughter's Name] added, "I love that I got to help design the products. It's been so much fun to think about what my friends and I would like to see in our school supplies. I hope everyone loves the collection as much as I do!"

The Savvy Squad collection includes:

The Savvy Squad collection is now available online at [website URL] and will be available in select retail stores soon.

To celebrate the launch, [Mom's Name] and [Daughter's Name] are hosting a social media contest, where kids can share their own back to school style and creativity using the hashtag #SavvySquadStyle. One lucky winner will receive a Savvy Squad prize pack, complete with a backpack, lunchbox, and school supplies.

For more information about Savvy Squad and to shop the collection, visit [website URL]. Follow Savvy Squad on social media at [social media handles] to stay up-to-date on the latest news, promotions, and product launches.

Contact: [Mom's Name] [Email] [Phone]

This press release highlights the unique aspect of the mom-daughter partnership and showcases the fun and creative products in the Savvy Squad collection. It also includes a call to action for kids to participate in the social media contest and encourages parents to shop the collection online or in-store.