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BREAKING: Mysterious "Squirtle Invasion" Hits Local Beach

[Location], USA - In a bizarre and unprecedented incident, a group of wild Squirtle have taken over a popular beach in [Location], sending beachgoers into a frenzy.

Eyewitnesses report that the Squirtle, known for their ability to shoot powerful water jets from their shells, began appearing on the beach around 10am this morning. At first, they seemed to be simply enjoying the sun and sand, but as the day wore on, they began to organize themselves into a sort of "Squirtle army."

"It was like they were planning something," said local resident Jane Doe. "They were all lined up in a row, staring out at the water. I was a little scared, to be honest."

As the Squirtle army began to move towards the water's edge, beachgoers scrambled to get out of the way. But it was too late. The Squirtle, seemingly on a mission, began to shoot powerful water jets at the beach umbrellas and chairs, sending them flying.

"It was like a war zone," said beach vendor John Smith. "I've never seen anything like it. I just grabbed my stuff and got out of there as fast as I could."

The cause of the Squirtle invasion is still unknown, but experts speculate that it may be related to a recent change in the ocean's temperature or a disruption in the local food chain.

In the meantime, beach officials have closed the beach until further notice and are urging residents to stay away.

UPDATE: The Squirtle have reportedly begun to disperse, but not before causing an estimated $10,000 in damages to beach property. No injuries have been reported.