Mnangagwa fires 11 parliamentarians supported mugabe

You're referring to a recent development in Zimbabwean politics!

Yes, it's true. On November 19, 2020, Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa fired 11 members of parliament who were allegedly loyal to his predecessor, Robert Mugabe. The move was seen as a significant shake-up in the country's political landscape.

The 11 parliamentarians, who were all members of the ruling ZANU-PF party, were accused of being part of a faction that was working to undermine Mnangagwa's leadership. The faction was reportedly led by former Vice President Phelekezela Mphoko, who was also fired from his position in 2017.

The sacked parliamentarians included several high-ranking officials, including:

  1. Phelekezela Mphoko (former Vice President)
  2. Supa Mandiwanzira (former Minister of Information and Communication Technology)
  3. Saviour Kasukuwere (former Minister of Local Government)
  4. Ignatius Chombo (former Minister of Home Affairs)
  5. Jonathan Moyo (former Minister of Higher Education)
  6. Saviour Tsvangirai (former Minister of Labour)
  7. Mandiitawepi Chimene (former Deputy Minister of Mines)
  8. Tongai Mnangagwa (former Deputy Minister of Energy)
  9. Joel Biggie Matiza (former Deputy Minister of Transport)
  10. Tendai Savanhu (former Deputy Minister of Public Service)
  11. Vongai Muperi (former Deputy Minister of Women's Affairs)

The move was seen as a bid by Mnangagwa to consolidate his power and eliminate potential challengers within the ruling party. However, the opposition parties in Zimbabwe have criticized the move, calling it a "witch-hunt" and a attempt to silence dissenting voices within the party.

It's worth noting that the Zimbabwean government has been facing numerous challenges, including economic woes, political instability, and human rights abuses. The recent developments in the country's politics are likely to have significant implications for the country's future.