Mmm comeback bid #

You're referring to the Comeback Bid in poker!

In poker, a comeback bid is a type of bet made by a player who is trailing in the pot and is trying to get back into the game. It's usually made in a situation where the player has a strong hand, but is behind in the betting and needs to make a bold move to catch up.

A comeback bid can take many forms, such as:

  1. A re-raise: When a player raises the bet after an opponent has already bet, trying to get more chips into the pot.
  2. A three-bet: When a player raises the bet again after an opponent has re-raised, trying to get even more chips into the pot.
  3. A four-bet: When a player raises the bet again after an opponent has three-bet, trying to get even more chips into the pot.

The goal of a comeback bid is to get back into the game and potentially win the pot. It's a high-risk, high-reward strategy that requires a strong hand and a good understanding of the game.

Do you have any specific questions about comeback bids or poker strategy in general?