Mls extends team training moratorium as part of coronavirus shutdown

The Major League Soccer (MLS) has extended the team training moratorium as part of the league's shutdown due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Here are the details:

Extension of Training Moratorium:

On March 12, 2020, MLS announced a temporary suspension of team training and competition due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The initial moratorium was set to expire on April 3, 2020. However, on March 30, 2020, the league announced an extension of the training moratorium until further notice.

Reason for Extension:

The extension is due to the ongoing spread of COVID-19 and the need to prioritize the health and safety of players, coaches, staff, and fans. The league is working closely with local health authorities, government agencies, and medical experts to monitor the situation and make informed decisions.

Impact on Teams:

The extension of the training moratorium means that teams will not be allowed to conduct any formal training sessions, including individual workouts, team practices, or scrimmages. This will help prevent the spread of the virus and reduce the risk of injury.

Next Steps:

The league will continue to monitor the situation and provide updates on the status of the season. The MLS Cup Playoffs, which were scheduled to begin in late October, are currently on hold. The league has not announced a new start date for the season or the playoffs.

Player and Staff Safety:

The league is taking steps to ensure the safety and well-being of players, coaches, and staff. This includes providing resources and support for those affected by the pandemic, such as mental health services and financial assistance.

Fan Engagement:

In the meantime, the league is exploring ways to engage fans and maintain a connection to the sport. This includes virtual events, social media contests, and other digital initiatives.

The extension of the training moratorium is a necessary step to prioritize the health and safety of everyone involved in MLS. The league will continue to work closely with stakeholders to find a solution that balances the needs of the sport with the need to protect public health.