Miyetti allah describes anti grazing law time bomb

Miyetti Allah, a Fulani socio-cultural organization, has described the Anti-Grazing Law in some states in Nigeria as a "time bomb" that could lead to more conflicts and violence in the country.

In a statement issued by the organization's National Secretary, Usman Bello, the group accused the governments of the affected states of trying to "punish" the Fulani people for no just cause.

The statement read in part: "The Anti-Grazing Law is a time bomb that will lead to more conflicts and violence in the country. It is a law that is designed to punish the Fulani people for no just cause. We are not happy with the way the governments of the affected states are handling this issue.

"We are calling on the governments of the affected states to review the Anti-Grazing Law and find a more peaceful and sustainable solution to the problem of grazing. We are also calling on the federal government to intervene in this matter and find a solution that will benefit all parties involved."

The Anti-Grazing Law was enacted in some states in Nigeria, including Benue, Taraba, and Adamawa, to address the issue of cattle grazing and the conflicts that often arise from it. However, the law has been criticized by some groups, including the Miyetti Allah, who argue that it is unfair and discriminatory.

The group has also accused the governments of the affected states of not providing adequate compensation to the Fulani people who have lost their cattle and property as a result of the law.

The conflict over grazing has been a major issue in Nigeria in recent years, with many people killed and property destroyed in clashes between herdsmen and farmers. The government has been trying to find a solution to the problem, but so far, no lasting solution has been found.