Missing n150m anambra youths women protest against monarch

It appears that there is a developing story about a protest by Anambra youths and women against a monarch in the state. Here's a summary of the situation:

Protest in Anambra over missing N150m

Youths and women in Anambra State have taken to the streets to protest against the monarch, the Igwe of Nnewi, Igwe Kenneth Orizu III, over the alleged mismanagement of N150 million (approximately $400,000) meant for the development of the community.


The protesters claim that the Igwe, who is also the traditional ruler of Nnewi, received the sum of N150 million from the state government for the development of the community, but has failed to account for the funds. They accuse him of mismanaging the funds and using them for personal gain.

Protest demands

The protesters are demanding that the Igwe account for the missing funds and provide evidence of how the money was spent. They are also calling for his removal as the traditional ruler of Nnewi if he fails to provide satisfactory answers.

Security presence

The protest has attracted a significant security presence, with police and other law enforcement agencies deployed to maintain order. The protesters have vowed to continue their protest until their demands are met.


The Igwe has denied any wrongdoing and has accused the protesters of being sponsored by his political enemies. The state government has also distanced itself from the controversy, saying that it is an internal matter for the community to resolve.


The protest has raised concerns about the accountability of traditional rulers in Anambra State and the need for transparency and good governance. It has also highlighted the importance of community engagement and participation in decision-making processes.

I hope this summary provides a good overview of the situation. Please let me know if you have any further questions or if there's anything else I can help you with!