Mintpress news

MintPress News is an independent online news organization that was founded in 2007. It is known for its investigative reporting and in-depth coverage of a wide range of topics, including politics, economics, and social justice issues.

MintPress News is headquartered in Washington, D.C. and has a team of journalists and editors who work together to produce high-quality, fact-based reporting. The organization is committed to providing a platform for marginalized voices and perspectives, and to holding those in power accountable for their actions.

Some of the topics that MintPress News has covered in the past include:

  1. Whistleblower stories: MintPress News has published numerous stories based on whistleblower testimony, including reports on government surveillance, corporate malfeasance, and other forms of wrongdoing.
  2. Political corruption: The organization has investigated and exposed cases of political corruption, including bribery, embezzlement, and other forms of fraud.
  3. Economic inequality: MintPress News has reported on the growing wealth gap in the United States and around the world, and has explored the ways in which economic policies and practices contribute to inequality.
  4. Social justice issues: The organization has covered a range of social justice issues, including police brutality, racial profiling, and the struggles of marginalized communities.
  5. Foreign policy: MintPress News has reported on a variety of foreign policy issues, including the wars in the Middle East, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and the impact of U.S. foreign policy on global events.

MintPress News has received numerous awards and accolades for its reporting, including the Project Censored award for "Best Investigative Reporting" and the Alternative Press Award for "Best Online News Source".

Some of the notable journalists and writers who have contributed to MintPress News include:

  1. Mnar Muhawesh: Muhawesh is the founder and editor-in-chief of MintPress News. She is a Palestinian-American journalist and activist who has written extensively on issues related to the Middle East and social justice.
  2. Whitney Webb: Webb is a journalist and writer who has contributed to MintPress News on a variety of topics, including politics, economics, and social justice. She is known for her in-depth reporting and analysis.
  3. Alan MacLeod: MacLeod is a journalist and writer who has contributed to MintPress News on topics such as politics, economics, and social justice. He is known for his critical analysis of mainstream media and his coverage of alternative perspectives.

Overall, MintPress News is a respected and influential online news organization that is committed to providing high-quality, fact-based reporting on a wide range of topics.