Minnesota to new jersey

A trip from Minnesota to New Jersey!

Here are the details you might find helpful:

Distance: Approximately 960 miles (1,545 km)

Driving Time: Around 14-15 hours, depending on traffic and the route you take

Route Options:

  1. I-90 E and I-80 E: Take I-90 E from Minnesota to I-80 E, which will take you through Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, and Pennsylvania before reaching New Jersey.
  2. I-94 E and I-76 E: Take I-94 E from Minnesota to I-76 E, which will take you through Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, and Pennsylvania before reaching New Jersey.

Rest Stops and Attractions Along the Way:

Tips and Reminders:


Food and Drink:

I hope this helps you plan your trip from Minnesota to New Jersey!