Ministry of a curse breaker by perry stone

A great topic!

The Ministry of a Curse Breaker is a teaching by Perry Stone, an American evangelist and author, on the biblical concept of breaking curses and the role of the curse breaker in the body of Christ. Here's a summary of his teaching:

What is a Curse Breaker?

According to Perry Stone, a curse breaker is a person who has been called by God to identify, expose, and break curses that have been placed on individuals, families, cities, or nations. This ministry is not limited to a specific denomination or group, but is a calling that can be fulfilled by anyone who has a heart for God and a desire to see people set free from the bondage of curses.

Types of Curses

Stone identifies several types of curses that can affect individuals and communities, including:

  1. Generational curses: Passed down through family lines, these curses can affect a person's physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
  2. Word curses: Resulting from negative words spoken over someone, these curses can bring destruction and chaos into a person's life.
  3. Idolatry curses: When people worship false gods or idols, they can bring curses upon themselves and their families.
  4. Bloodline curses: Curses that are passed down through a person's bloodline, often as a result of sin or disobedience.
  5. National curses: Curses that affect entire nations or cities, often as a result of sin and rebellion against God.

The Role of the Curse Breaker

A curse breaker's primary role is to identify and expose the source of the curse, then break it through prayer, fasting, and other spiritual disciplines. This may involve:

  1. Identifying the source of the curse: The curse breaker must discern the root cause of the curse, whether it's a generational curse, word curse, idolatry curse, bloodline curse, or national curse.
  2. Exposing the curse: The curse breaker must expose the curse to the person or community affected, often through prayer, preaching, or teaching.
  3. Breaking the curse: The curse breaker must then break the curse through prayer, fasting, and other spiritual disciplines, such as anointing with oil or using specific scriptures.

Principles for Effective Curse Breaking

Stone emphasizes several principles for effective curse breaking, including:

  1. Humility: The curse breaker must be humble and recognize that they are not the one breaking the curse, but rather God is using them as a vessel.
  2. Authority: The curse breaker must operate in the authority of God's Word and recognize that they have been given the power to break curses.
  3. Prayer: The curse breaker must pray fervently and specifically for the person or community affected by the curse.
  4. Fasting: Fasting can be an effective way to break curses, as it demonstrates a person's willingness to sacrifice and seek God's intervention.
  5. Anointing: The curse breaker may use anointing oil or other spiritual tools to break the curse and bring healing to the person or community affected.


The Ministry of a Curse Breaker is a powerful teaching that emphasizes the importance of identifying and breaking curses that can affect individuals, families, and communities. By operating in the authority of God's Word and recognizing the importance of humility, prayer, fasting, and anointing, curse breakers can bring freedom and healing to those affected by curses.