Minion rush new update

Minion Rush!

As of my knowledge cutoff, the latest update for Minion Rush is version 5.4.0, which was released in December 2020. Here are some of the new features and updates:

New Features:

  1. New Minion: Meet the new Minion, "Mel"! She's a sweet and sassy Minion who loves to collect bananas and defeat villains.
  2. New Power-Ups: Two new Power-Ups have been added: "Banana Boost" and "Grape Grenade". The Banana Boost gives you a temporary speed boost, while the Grape Grenade explodes and destroys obstacles on the track.
  3. New Track: A new track, "Mel's Jungle", has been added, featuring Mel as the main character. The track is filled with obstacles, bananas, and power-ups.
  4. New Challenges: New challenges have been added, including "Mel's Banana Challenge" and "Villain's Revenge". These challenges offer rewards and exclusive items.

Other Updates:

  1. Improved Graphics: The game's graphics have been improved, with more detailed environments and characters.
  2. New Soundtrack: A new soundtrack has been added, featuring catchy and upbeat music to keep you motivated while playing.
  3. Bug Fixes: Several bugs have been fixed, including issues with the game's physics and collision detection.

Please note that updates may vary depending on your device and region. If you're playing Minion Rush, you may want to check the in-game news or the game's official social media channels for the latest updates and announcements!