Mile 2 demolition were at loss over 21m invested in sand filling

It sounds like Mile 2 Demolition is facing a significant financial loss due to an unexpected issue with sand filling. Here's a possible summary:

Loss Summary:

Possible Causes:

  1. Inadequate planning: The company may not have conducted thorough research or consulted with experts before investing in sand filling, leading to unforeseen challenges.
  2. Poor execution: The sand filling process may have been poorly executed, resulting in a lack of quality or quantity, which could have led to the loss.
  3. Unforeseen circumstances: Natural disasters, changes in market conditions, or unexpected regulatory issues may have affected the sand filling project, causing the loss.


  1. Conduct a thorough review: Mile 2 Demolition should conduct a detailed review of the sand filling project to identify the root cause of the loss.
  2. Re-evaluate business decisions: The company should reassess its business decisions and consider alternative investments or strategies to minimize future losses.
  3. Seek professional advice: Mile 2 Demolition may benefit from consulting with experts in the field, such as engineers or financial advisors, to gain a better understanding of the situation and potential solutions.

Next Steps:

  1. Document the loss: Mile 2 Demolition should document the loss, including the amount, date, and circumstances surrounding the loss.
  2. Notify stakeholders: The company should inform its stakeholders, including investors, employees, and customers, about the loss and the actions being taken to mitigate its impact.
  3. Develop a recovery plan: Mile 2 Demolition should create a plan to recover from the loss, which may include cost-cutting measures, seeking additional funding, or exploring new business opportunities.

I hope this summary helps!