Migration ilo charges member countries on labour statistics

A very specific topic!

The International Labour Organization (ILO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations that deals with labor issues worldwide. The ILO has a program called the International Labour Migration Statistics (ILMS) which aims to improve the availability, quality, and comparability of labor migration statistics.

As part of this program, the ILO charges member countries a fee for the collection and analysis of labor migration statistics. The fees are used to cover the costs of:

  1. Data collection: The ILO collects data from member countries on labor migration, including information on migrant workers, their countries of origin and destination, and the sectors and occupations they work in.
  2. Data analysis: The ILO analyzes the collected data to produce statistics and reports on labor migration trends, patterns, and outcomes.
  3. Capacity building: The ILO provides training and technical assistance to member countries to improve their capacity to collect and analyze labor migration statistics.

The fees charged by the ILO are based on the country's Gross National Income (GNI) per capita. The fees are as follows:

The ILO also offers a waiver or reduction of fees for countries that are unable to pay the full amount. The fees are used to support the ILO's work on labor migration statistics and to promote the development of national labor migration statistics systems.

It's worth noting that the ILO's fees for labor migration statistics are relatively low compared to other international organizations, and the fees are used to support the development of a global system for collecting and analyzing labor migration statistics.