Middle east news sources

Here are some reputable news sources from the Middle East:

English-language sources:

  1. Al Jazeera (Qatar) - A leading Arabic-language news organization with an English-language website and TV channel.
  2. The National (UAE) - A daily English-language newspaper based in Abu Dhabi.
  3. The Gulf News (UAE) - A daily English-language newspaper based in Dubai.
  4. The Jordan Times (Jordan) - A daily English-language newspaper based in Amman.
  5. The Daily Star (Lebanon) - A daily English-language newspaper based in Beirut.
  6. Haaretz (Israel) - A leading Israeli newspaper with an English-language website.
  7. The Jerusalem Post (Israel) - A daily English-language newspaper based in Jerusalem.
  8. The Times of Israel (Israel) - A daily English-language newspaper based in Jerusalem.
  9. The Arab News (Saudi Arabia) - A daily English-language newspaper based in Jeddah.
  10. Asharq Al-Awsat (Saudi Arabia) - A daily English-language newspaper based in London, with a focus on Middle Eastern news.

Arabic-language sources:

  1. Al Jazeera Arabic (Qatar) - The Arabic-language version of the Al Jazeera news organization.
  2. Al-Ahram (Egypt) - A leading Egyptian newspaper with a wide circulation.
  3. Al-Quds Al-Arabi (London) - A daily Arabic-language newspaper based in London, with a focus on Middle Eastern news.
  4. Al-Hayat (London) - A daily Arabic-language newspaper based in London, with a focus on Middle Eastern news.
  5. Al-Sharq Al-Awsat (Saudi Arabia) - A daily Arabic-language newspaper based in London, with a focus on Middle Eastern news.
  6. Al-Riyadh (Saudi Arabia) - A daily Arabic-language newspaper based in Riyadh.
  7. Al-Masry Al-Youm (Egypt) - A daily Arabic-language newspaper based in Cairo.
  8. Al-Watan (Saudi Arabia) - A daily Arabic-language newspaper based in Riyadh.
  9. Al-Bayan (UAE) - A daily Arabic-language newspaper based in Abu Dhabi.
  10. Al-Khaleej (UAE) - A daily Arabic-language newspaper based in Abu Dhabi.

Other sources:

  1. Middle East Eye (UK) - An online news organization with a focus on Middle Eastern news and politics.
  2. The Middle East Monitor (UK) - An online news organization with a focus on Middle Eastern news and politics.
  3. MEMRI (USA) - A non-profit organization that translates and analyzes Arabic-language media.
  4. The Institute for Near East and Gulf Military Analysis (USA) - A non-profit organization that provides analysis and research on Middle Eastern military affairs.

Please note that some of these sources may have a particular perspective or bias, and it's always important to consider multiple sources when researching a topic.