Middle east news fox

Here are some recent news articles from Fox News related to the Middle East:

  1. Iran's Rouhani says US sanctions are 'economic terrorism' (March 2023)

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has accused the United States of practicing "economic terrorism" through its sanctions, which he said were causing widespread suffering for the Iranian people.

Source: Fox News

  1. Israel launches airstrikes in Syria, targets Iranian-backed militia (February 2023)

Israel launched airstrikes in Syria, targeting an Iranian-backed militia group, according to reports. The strikes came after the group had fired rockets into Israeli territory.

Source: Fox News

  1. Saudi Arabia, UAE, and Egypt cut diplomatic ties with Qatar (June 2021)

Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Egypt cut diplomatic ties with Qatar, citing the country's alleged support for terrorism and its ties to Iran.

Source: Fox News

  1. Iran's nuclear program: A timeline of the crisis (February 2021)

Fox News provides a timeline of the crisis surrounding Iran's nuclear program, including the country's development of nuclear capabilities and the international community's response.

Source: Fox News

  1. Turkey's Erdogan says US is 'incapable' of leading Middle East (October 2020)

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has criticized the United States, saying it is "incapable" of leading the Middle East and that Turkey will take on a more prominent role in the region.

Source: Fox News

  1. Israel and UAE agree to normalize relations (August 2020)

Israel and the United Arab Emirates have agreed to normalize relations, marking a significant shift in the region's politics and a major diplomatic coup for the Trump administration.

Source: Fox News

  1. Iran's supreme leader says US is 'weak' and 'ineffective' (July 2020)

Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, has criticized the United States, saying it is "weak" and "ineffective" and that Iran will not be intimidated by its threats.

Source: Fox News

  1. Syria's Assad says US is 'occupying' the country (June 2020)

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has accused the United States of "occupying" his country, saying that the US presence in Syria is illegal and that the country will not be divided.

Source: Fox News

  1. Iran's Revolutionary Guards launch missile attack on US troops in Iraq (January 2020)

Iran's Revolutionary Guards launched a missile attack on US troops in Iraq, in response to the US killing of top Iranian military commander Qasem Soleimani.

Source: Fox News

  1. Turkey's Erdogan says US is 'betraying' its allies in the Middle East (December 2019)

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has criticized the United States, saying it is "betraying" its allies in the Middle East and that Turkey will take on a more prominent role in the region.

Source: Fox News