Middendorp not fair to judge akumus impact at kaizer chiefs this early

A great topic for discussion!

You're right, it's not fair to judge Akumu's impact at Kaizer Chiefs this early. Here's why:

  1. New player, new team, new environment: Akumu has just joined Kaizer Chiefs, and it takes time for a player to adjust to a new team, teammates, and playing style. It's unfair to expect him to hit the ground running immediately.
  2. Pre-season and early season games: The pre-season and early season games are often used to experiment with different formations, players, and tactics. It's not uncommon for teams to have a mixed bag of results during this period.
  3. Injury concerns: Akumu has been dealing with injuries, which has limited his playing time and impact. It's unfair to judge him based on a few games or minutes played while he's still recovering.
  4. Team dynamics: Kaizer Chiefs have a strong squad with many experienced players. It takes time for new players to gel with the team and understand each other's strengths and weaknesses.
  5. Expectations vs. reality: Fans often have high expectations for new signings, but it's essential to separate reality from hype. Akumu is a talented player, but he's not a miracle worker. It takes time for him to settle and make a meaningful impact.

Given these factors, it's essential to give Akumu time to adjust, recover from injuries, and settle into the team. Let's not rush to judgment and instead focus on his progress over the next few months.