Microcontroller base circuit breaker withkeypad

A microcontroller-based circuit breaker with a keypad is a project that combines the functionality of a traditional circuit breaker with the added feature of a user interface. Here's a basic outline of how you can design and build such a project:


Circuit Diagram:

The circuit diagram will depend on the specific components and design choices you make. Here's a simplified example:

          |  Microcontroller  |
                  |  Keypad
                  |  (4x4 or 5x7 matrix)
          |  Relay Driver  |
          |  (e.g. ULN2003) |
                  |  Relays (2)
                  |  (e.g. SPST or SPDT)
          |  Circuit Breaker  |
          |  Contacts (SPST or SPDT) |

How it works:

  1. The user presses a key on the keypad, which sends a signal to the microcontroller.
  2. The microcontroller reads the key press and determines the action to take (e.g. trip the circuit breaker, reset the breaker, or display a message).
  3. The microcontroller sends a signal to the relay driver, which controls the relays.
  4. The relays switch the circuit breaker contacts on or off, depending on the action taken by the microcontroller.
  5. The circuit breaker contacts are designed to interrupt the power supply to the load when the breaker is tripped.


The code for the microcontroller will depend on the specific keypad and relay driver used. Here's a simplified example in Arduino C:

const int keypadPin = 2;  // Keypad pin
const int relayPin1 = 3;  // Relay 1 pin
const int relayPin2 = 4;  // Relay 2 pin

void setup() {
  pinMode(keypadPin, INPUT);
  pinMode(relayPin1, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(relayPin2, OUTPUT);

void loop() {
  int key = readKeypad();
  switch (key) {
    case '1':  // Trip breaker 1
      digitalWrite(relayPin1, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(relayPin1, LOW);
    case '2':  // Trip breaker 2
      digitalWrite(relayPin2, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(relayPin2, LOW);
    case '3':  // Reset breaker 1
      digitalWrite(relayPin1, LOW);
    case '4':  // Reset breaker 2
      digitalWrite(relayPin2, LOW);
      // Display error message or do nothing

int readKeypad() {
  int key = 0;
  while (key == 0) {
    key = analogRead(keypadPin);
  return key;

This code assumes a simple 4x4 keypad and two relays. You'll need to modify the code to match your specific keypad and relay driver.

Safety considerations:

When designing a circuit breaker with a keypad, it's essential to consider safety features to prevent accidental tripping or resetting of the breaker. Some considerations include:

Remember to follow proper safety guidelines and regulations when designing and building a circuit breaker with a keypad.