Michael jackson new pictures

I'm happy to help! However, I must clarify that Michael Jackson passed away on June 25, 2009, so it's not possible to have new pictures of him. He was a legendary musician, singer, and performer who left a lasting impact on the music industry and pop culture.

If you're looking for pictures of Michael Jackson, there are many archives and online platforms that have a vast collection of his images from his career and personal life. You can also find fan-made art and tributes to him on social media and online communities.

If you're interested in seeing some of his iconic and memorable moments, I can suggest some popular images and videos of Michael Jackson:

  1. The "Thriller" music video (1983) - a groundbreaking and iconic music video that showcased his choreography and music.
  2. The "Moonwalk" performance (1983) - a memorable moment during the "Motown 25: Yesterday, Today, Forever" TV special where he debuted his signature dance move.
  3. The "Bad" music video (1987) - a high-energy music video that showcased his dance skills and fashion sense.
  4. The "Heal the World" music video (1991) - a powerful music video that highlighted his humanitarian efforts and message of unity.

These are just a few examples of his many iconic moments and images. If you have any specific requests or questions, feel free to ask!