Michael franks monk's new tune

A great choice!

"Monk's New Tune" is a song by Michael Franks, from his 1978 album "Sleeping Gypsy". The song is a tribute to the jazz legend Thelonious Monk, and features Franks' smooth, soulful vocals and a laid-back, jazzy instrumental arrangement.

The song's lyrics are a poetic tribute to Monk's music and legacy, with Franks singing about the joy and inspiration he derives from listening to Monk's compositions. The song's chorus repeats the phrase "Monk's new tune", which becomes a kind of mantra, celebrating the timeless beauty and creativity of Monk's music.

"Monk's New Tune" is a fan favorite and a standout track in Franks' discography, showcasing his ability to blend jazz, pop, and folk influences into a unique and captivating sound.